Sunday, February 3, 2008

My Spy by Marie Ferrarella

My Spy by Marie Ferrarella is the continuing story of the Lazlo Group which was introduced with the miniseries Capturing the Crown and continues with Mission:Impassioned. This chapter focuses on Joshua Lazlo and his rescue of the Prime Minister's daughter, Prudence Hill who was kidnapped. Joshua.

Prudence is no shrinking violet and is in the process of free herself when Joshua arrives to rescue her. Their exploits back to London show Josh that the press is very wrong about Pru and Pru learns what makes her "Secret Agent Man" tick. I enjoyed their journey.

I accidentally read the second book in the series and did not realize it was a miniseries. Subsequently I've purchased the entire series. My Spy is the first book in the miniseries. Who is sabotaging the Lazlo Group and why will be uncovered in the miniseries.

4 of 5

February tally
- 2 (1 SE, 1 RS)
Non- Harlequin -
Sub - Total - 2

January tally
- 11
Non- Harlequin -2
Sub-Total - 13

Total - 15

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