Sunday, March 30, 2008

The Wedding Party by Robyn Carr

The Wedding Party by Robyn Carr is a fun contemporary romance following Charlene Dugan. She decides that as part of her busy life it is time to marry again when her daughter claims she doesn't want to grow old like her mom. In the mix is a wedding planner who is working closely with her fiance since Charlene keeps missing their meetings, her ex-husband who drives her crazy but wants a second chance, their daughter who might be just a tad spoiled and her mother who can't remember where she's been.

This book is a slice of life in Charlene's world. We see a successful lawyer who wants to find time for love in her life. While not the same depth as Carr's Virgin River, she stil creates characters we care about. We care about Charlene's mother as she shows signs of early onset Alzheimer's and watch her daughter take major steps in acting her age.

4 of 5

March tally

- 2 (2 Mira)
Non- Harlequin - 3
Sub - Total -5

January/Febuary tally
- 31
Non- Harlequin -3
Sub-Total - 34

Total -39

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